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Comments for Bryce Six

Bryce Six: 4/13/04

Before you get your hopes up, Bryce six isn't currently in the works. Corel has stopped supporting it for the Mac which is stupid. Bryce started as a Mac native program so Corel is only supporting the poorly ported PC version.

The Players:

Corel: the current owner who bought it from Metacreations who bought it from the original creators: KPT, made up of Kai Krause and Eric Wenger.

bryceformac: A website set up to hopefully get enough support to buy Bryce from Corel and collaborate with the original KPT folks. Utopian but not likely to happen.

Pandromeda: The MojoWorld Generator / Transporter folks also have a background in Bryce's past. Ken Musgrave aka Doc Mojo worked on the Metacreations versions of Bryce. He now heads Pandromeda where their flagship is the fabulous MojoWorld. It's quite a robust program for creating entire planets using similar techniques used in Bryce just on a much larger scale. They are also courting Corel but so far Corel isn't willing to sell. If I were to bet money on the outcome, I would put it on Pandromeda.


In the meantime, I'm still working on a massive update to my Bryce Freebies section. I'm talking about hundreds of new things for Bryce 5 users. I will also continue to maintain the Bryce 4 freebie section.

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