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Comments for Lots of Dreams Means a Good Night's Sleep

Lots of Dreams Means a Good Night's Sleep: 4/22/04

Last night I had a wonderfully long and complex dream with enough details to spawn ideas for a half dozen short stories, which reminds me, I really need to finish "De Colores," my current short story project.

The dream took place in a large self contained community that had elements of the Gormanghast duchy, the city from Dark City (great film!), and my own fictional kingdom New Albion. In other words, it was a huge, architecturally intricate city / castle / estate / revamped slow ship and it happened to be haunted.

Down the poorer streets or hallways near a building that had been a bank but had gone bankrupt and boarded up its doors and windows before living memory, young women began to feel as though they were being stalked. What they didn't realize, nor did the police or the nobility, was that the cause of these stalkings lay within the bank vault where the body of a mass murderer who had died on the site of the old bank and was somehow now interred in the vault was now back as an angry and vengeful spirit.

Meanwhile, in the opulent corner of town where the ruling family and other nobility lived, they held frequent parties and laughed at how droll it was that the king wanted to live in a house with only five rooms and visitors to his country home should only call him by his given name, Jim.

Sadly then the alarm went off but I enjoyed all the details while they lasted.

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