All Aboard: 7/6/04
Sean like most kids his age goes through cycles of favorite books. His current favorite is
All Aboard,
a Golden Book that was my mother's when she was his age. At least that's the story I remember Grandmother
telling me. About a month ago I had read the story outloud while Sean was throwing a temper tantrum.
At first he ignored me but then he wandered over (but pretended to ignore me). Next thing I knew, he
was sitting next to me, completely enraptured by the book.
Now most nights he wants both of us to read the book to him. He doesn't always sit still for all the
pages but he does want to look at all the pictures. In the beginning he loves to say "bye-bye Daddy" as
Molly and Mother say good-bye to Daddy and get on the train to visit Grandmother.
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