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Comments Fantastic Furniture and the "Too Long Day"

Fantastic Furniture and the "Too Long Day": 7/17/04

The furniture store down the hill from us delivered our new dressers today right on time. They said they would be there between ten and noon and were there by 10:30. The dressers are fantastic. They are by far the nicest pieces of furniture we own. As they are unfinished, Ian will be urethaning them on Monday. We'll probably be going back there for a bedside table once we're settled.

After the furniture arrived we had enough time to head over to the Castro Valley post office to mail some books promissed to other BookCrossing members. Usually I have about a half dozen books to mail but with the move my reading time has been severely limited. Things will pick up once we're moved and completely out of the old place at the end of the month.

Then we picked up a cargo van we had rented from the Hayward Enterprise Rent-A-Car. The thing is huge but only has two seats which meant we had to caravan everywhere we went with it. Ian drove the van and Sean and I went in my car. After taking the van back to Pacifica, Ian hopped into my car to get one last bathroom thing at Bed, Bath and Beyond. Sean, who had managed a wee nap in the car, was furious when we were shopping yet again. I took him outside while Ian purchased the knick-knacks. When we were sitting on the wall waiting, Sean moaned to me, "Mama — too long day!"

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