The Blue Day Book: 11/19/06
Bradley Trevor Greive's second book The Meaning of Life is one of the best traveled books on BookCrossing. It was through that world traveling book that I was first introduced to these advice books that combine common sense and cute photographs of animals. The Blue Day Book as the title and cover art implies gives some tips on how one can get over the blues when having a really bad day. All of the photographs are black and white and show animals in poses that either evoke an emotion or show the animal having his own bad day.
Harriet also enjoyed the book, looking at the various animals. I remember doing the same thing with Sean with the Meaning of Life book when he was an infant.
Fresh Vegetables:
Yesterday we went to the Hayward Farmers' Market and came home with about twelve bags of fresh vegetables. For dinner Ian made wantons filled with a concoction of vegetables and ground beef. Wantons are one of the latest recipes that Ian has learned and although they take him a long time to prepare they are well worth the wait!
I'm not sure what we're having for dinner tonight except that I'm sure it will involve a heaping pile of fresh vegetables. Right now almost every meal has egg plant, zucchini and bell peppers in it somewhere. Also nearly everything we cook has fresh garlic as a spice. If not garlic, then onions.
Steps: 7000