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Arm in Arm: 02/02/07

Arm in Arm

If I were to make a list of the books I've read more times than I can count, Arm in Arm by Remy Charlip would be near the top. This slim book of art and poetry was one of those books I would try to check out from the library every time I went. I'm surprised I didn't end up being given a copy. In fact, I ended up buying the library's copy many years later when it had been read to the point of falling apart! I later released that copy via BookCrossing and replaced it with another one in better condition.

Happily Arm in Arm has come back in print although the cover art has changed to a different collage of drawings from the book. I suspect that a number of people in my generation wanted a copy to share with their children.

The subtitle for the book explains what makes it so charming: "A COLLECTION OF CONNECTIONS, ENDLESS TALES, REITERATIONS, AND OTHER ECHOLALIA." Each poem and drawing is like Ouroboros, wrapping in on itself and often times stopping where it started. Then there are the silly jokes both written and drawn that pepper the pages.

I really can't do justice to this book's charm and humor without scanning and publishing the entire thing online. So just go get yourself a copy to enjoy!

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