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Comments for Sean the Big Boy

Harriet on the floorSean the Big Boy: 02/04/07

Sean woke us up at seven fifteen this morning. The first thing I noticed was that he was dressed. The second thing I noticed was that Harriet was crying. It's normal for Sean to be up by seven and it's normal for Harriet to be crying as she doesn't usually wake up to nurse in the middle of the night. It is not normal for Sean to be out of his pajamas so early.

Sean explained that he'd had an accident. Rather than cry about it, he got up and changed into day clothes. He then took things a step further and put his wet pajamas into the washing machine for us to wash. Did you hear me singing for joy at having a big boy! Sean turned a poor start of his morning into a good start of the morning for the rest of us.

He is also volunteering more with helping with Harriet. As he's only four and a half, I'm not asking him to do much but he can help out with holding Harriet's bottle when she's in the high chair and with keeping her entertained if she's in her bouncy chair and I'm busy doing something where I can't either hold her or sling her. He's also great in the car, keeping her happy and keeping an eye on her for us. When she needs help he lets us know so that we can pull off the road quicker.

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