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My Day: 02/21/07

My Day

During my recent wild release of books that we were culling from our collection I picked up a copy of My Day for Sean because it looked like the type of book Sean would like. He does like it and we've read it together a few times so far.

My Day is a fairly typical picture book with photographs of ordinary objects and some line illustrations as well. These pictures and photographs are grouped together by theme, in this case, something the boy on the cover does in the course of his day (brushing teeth, play time, music time, eat breakfast, etc.) Most of the illustrations make sense in the context that they are presented and over-all I'd rate the book highly.

There is just one illustration that bugs me. It's on the cover and on the last page (the bed time page). On the cover, the clock set at 3 o'clock makes sense. It is just one hour in the boy's day, sometime between sun-up and sun-down. On the bedtime page the clock illustration as it is repeated makes no sense. This boy appears to be five or six years-old. I don't know any child that age that goes to bed at 3 (either in the afternoon or in the morning).

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