Vacation: Part 6: Patrick Point: 02/24/07
Over this 3-day weekend we took our first vacation as a family of four. I've been posting photo montages of each place we stopped on my livejournal site but I plan to post a more in depth description of what we did here, one stop per day.
Our fun but chilly walk along Clam Beach left us needing a rest stop. Before heading into the redwoods proper, we stopped at the Patrick Point rest stop. The place reminded me of the tiny rest stop (Francis B. Mathews) we visited along route 299 on our trip home from Redding in 2005. It is not much more than a strip of parking spots, a couple picnic tables, a map kiosk and of course the well needed bathrooms. All of these amenities are pushed against the forest and mountainside at both locations, although more impressively at the Francis B. Mathews location.
The stop though small did have some gorgeous redwood trees, and one giant redwood stump that is now providing a perch for a number of other plants and moss varieties. The trees at this stop was Sean's first glimpse up close at just how big redwoods can get.
patrick point | clam beach | redwood | vacation | redding | rest stop