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Comments for Rain and Colds

HarrietRain and Colds: 02/25/07

Harriet and Sean have come down with colds. As it was raining today and neither child felt up to doing much, we stayed home and watched videos. Sean spent the first half of his day asleep in bed. Sean's not as sick as Harriet but he's clearly fighting off this cold.

After breakfast he started to act really grouchy and he wasn't listening to me so I sent him to his room for a timeout. I normally only have to send him to his room when he's coming down with something or if he's overly tired. Today Sean was both and he needed the extra time in bed.

Now that it's 9:30 PM and Sean is in bed, I can hear Harriet babbling from her crib. I think this is going to be a long night for me.

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