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Comments for Why I Love Slings

Harriet in her slingWhy I Love Slings: 02/02/07

There are some days that Harriet wants to be held constantly. Today was one of the those days but I really needed my hands free to do things (like work!) but I didn't want to listen to her cry herself hoarse. The sound of my children crying is one of those sounds that can instantly turn my brain to mush. So on days when I need my sanity and Harriet needs extra snuggle time, I can put her in her sling while at home.

The sling instantly soothes her. She'll stop crying as soon as she is put in it. As today she seemed to be over-tired, I put her in lying down position and she instantly started napping. Later she woke up and was thirsty. I can either breast feed her from her sling or give her a bottle to hold. Today I opted for the bottle which she held and drank while I worked.

When we go out Harriet rides in her sling. It's so much easier to carry her in it than to either carry her in an infant carrier (those things never made much sense to me) or to push her in a bulky stroller. She is up high and can see the world (if she's facing forward). Or she can nap (either facing me or lying down in the sling). All the while she is close to me and out of people's way. She's also not going to be snatched away from me as she is physically tied to me.

Sean liked the sling too as a baby and it's his old sling that Harriet is using but Harriet seems to like the sling even more than he did. I think part of it is my own comfort and confidence while using it that helps. As I have a lot of fabric and a new sewing machine, I plan to make my own slings to get one that will grow a little better with Harriet as she grows.

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