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Comments for Staring Contest

Harriet and her elephantStaring Contest: 02/28/07

As part of my "half birthday" celebration last night we went out to dinner. We chose Baker's Square and as it was Tuesday (kids eat free) the place was packed with families with children.

Harriet happily sat in a high chair and ate a jar of peas and made faces at her brother (who replied in turn with his own silly expressions). The rest of the time though she spent staring at another baby girl sitting at the table directly behind our booth. Harriet and this 13 month old were separated by only a foot or so of space. Both girls were fascinated with each other.

From the expression on Harriet's face it was clear that she didn't want to be held because she wanted to do what the older girl was doing. If the older baby was sitting and eating happily in a high chair, then so would she! It was so funny to see these two babies try to one-up each other.

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