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Comments for Sunset Minigolf

Sean puttingSunset Minigolf: 02/20/07

One of the things Sean really wanted to do on our trip was play minigolf. We didn't have the chance to play on our trip and Sean was asleep when we passed the one minigolf course in North Bay on our way home on Monday. We promised him that we would play minigolf with him after school if the weather held out. The minigolf course in Castro Valley stays open until 10 PM most nights.

The rain that threatened didn't arrive by sunset so we kept our promise. Ian, Harriet and I picked up Sean a half an hour early from school and took him golfing. Although it was cold and I had to bundle Harriet up to keep her head warm while she was in the sling we had a fun time.

Harriet cried a the first hole but I got the hang of putting one handed and she settled down. As the sun set she dozed off as it was her bed time. She woke up on the drive home and was soon giggling with Sean.

I wasn't sure if I could golf with Harriet in her sling but it ended up being easier than I though it would be. I ended up putting one handed so I could keep Harriet's head shielded from the wind. Although the putting was awkward, I did better than Ian did on a number of holes. We didn't keep score so I have no idea who won. We were there for an hour and got to watch the sun set as we played.

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