Valentine's Day Comes Early: 02/10/07
Sean and Harriet received Valentine's day cards from my parents today. I opened Harriet's for her and put it down for her on her high chair table and she gave the card a big smile. The card has a pink and purple pussy cat on it so she was very happy.
Sean's card had a cute frog and a silly joke. Inside Mom had put some heart stamps. Sean loves stamps and will be putting them to good use soon, I'm sure.
As it has been pouring rain all day we hunkered at home. Sean helped me mop the floor while Harriet played with toys in her bouncy seat. We also did laundry and a some other chores.
But for the most part we were lazy. Today was the first day in three that I've been without a migraine. I ended up last night at three in the morning giving up and taking one of the Motrin I had left over from Harriet's birth. I spent the rest of the night upstairs asleep on the couch (for the second night in a row). After nursing Harriet first thing this morning I went back to bed for an hour and a half of proper sleep.
Once the rain started, Ian got a sinus headache. So just as I was coming out of the worst migraine pain I've had in seven years, Ian was feeling his sinuses pounding away. Thankfully by dinner we were both in our right minds.
valentine | harriet | sean | migraine | weather