Plum Flowers: 03/09/07
Behind our house we can track the changing of the seasons through our Japanese plum tree. It heralds the ending days of winter by bursting into bloom. Summer begins as the flowers fall to be replaced by red leaves and fruit. Fall comes when the last of the fruit has fallen from the tree or been eaten by the birds. Winter comes with the winds that blow the remaining leaves off leaving the tree bare for three or four months.
Right now the first round of flowers are starting to fall but new ones are still budding. There are also new leaves coming out on the leaves. It will be another month before we'll see the fruit starting to grow. By June we should be able to start harvesting the plums.
Summer will mean plum pie. Plum and apple, plum and cherry and sometimes just plum. Last year we didn't get as much of a crop as the previous year because the tree is still recovering from the trim it had when the balcony needed fixing and painting. I'm hoping things will be better this year.
seasons | plums | time