Getting ready for Kindergarten: 03/28/07
Today Sean had his pre kindergarten physical and his last round of immunizations until junior high school.
Overall Sean did really well. He's 74% for weight and height. He's in good physical shape and able to follow complex instructions. He passed his vision and hearing exam and has the normal wear and tear for an active child.
It's been a couple years since I've been to one of Sean's appointments. My work schedule has been such that it was always easier for Ian to take Sean. Now that I'm working from home and we're so much closer to a pediatrician, it is easy for me to go too. All four of us went today. It was the first time I've seen Sean old enough to stand to be weighed and for his height to be measured. It was also the first time I've seen him have his blood pressure taken. Since he had helped me do mine while I was pregnant with Harriet, Sean was busy explaining to the nurse how the machine worked!
What we hadn't planned on for this trip was three shots for eight immunizations. We had thought Sean would be able to take a half day at school but after the shots he just wasn't up to it. He spent most of the day taking Tylenol and lying on the couch. After a good night's sleep he'll be ready for school tomorrow.
sean | school | milestones