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Flu and Stuff: 04/21/08
It's the third week in April and I feel like the month has gone by in a daze. I've had a few people (mostly family) ask me what we've been up to so here's a brief update. The Flu: Harriet came down with it first around the start of the month. I came down with it right after she was well. For Harriet it was a four day illness; for me it was ten days. Then Ian and Sean got the flu almost back to back. Sean missed a birthday party yesterday and school today. Sean: Sean's ability to read has really taken off. It has lead to some embarrassing conversations. Top on my list of awkward conversations: what are hooters? He read the Hooters sign while we were on our way to a BookCrossing meeting. I knew he'd ask eventually since their logo is an owl and he's an owl fiend. Harriet: Harriet meanwhile is learning how to talk. She's had a huge vocabulary for about nine months but recently she's actually been trying to use it for communication. She's developed a short hand lexicon for the things she's most interested in. Her newest addition to this list is "up and down" which means any action she wants someone to do. She uses it if: she wants to be picked up, if she wants to be let out of her booster seat, if she wants something opened or if she wants something closed. Stuff: Puss Reboots was the site of the week at She Who Blogs on April 13th. Yesterday I won a cartoon trivia tie-breaker at Pop Culture Dish. Comments (2)
Comment #1: Monday, April, 21, 2008 at 23:29:10 I hope everyone feels better soon! I love Sean's question! We actually discovered a few weeks ago that Xander, my six-year-old who we thought was having trouble learning to read, actually reads pretty well and has been hiding it from us all along! Where do these kids learn this stuff?" Comment #2: Monday, April, 21, 2008 at 21:24:19 We're all pretty much over the flu. Thanks for asking! I know Sean can read better than he lets on too. Sean sees Ian and me reading all the time and I think it intimidates him a little. He has complained a few times that he can't read well but he's thinking in terms of adult reading, not kindergarten reading. He never seems to believe me when I tell him he reads better at his age than I did when I was his age."