Going Back in Time: 10/16/08
Time is on my mind today, first with Laurel Winter's story "Going Back in Time, the rather awkward Americanization of Life on Mars and finally Tom Petty's "Flirting With Time" playing on my iTunes.
Laurel Winter's story with most of the words crossed out plays with the relativity of time. As the protagonist explains before he's swept off his feet by Ellie the weather girl: "Only one of those words has meaning." (p. 155). For that reason, most of the title is struck through.
I liked the story. It's only two pages long and comprised of eleven snippets. In the way it is told, I'm reminded of "Nine Whispered Opinions Regarding the Alaskan Secession" by George Guthridge. As it's a time travel story, there's also a hint of The Man Who Folded Himself among others.
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