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Month in review

Acting Class: Take a Seat by Milton Katselas
All in Fun by Jerry Oltion
The Cat Who Went Up the Creek by Lilian Jackson Braun
The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans
Dance of Shadows by Fred Chappell
Diary of a Dead Man by Walter Krumm
Earth Odyssey by Mark Hertsgaard
eNursery Rhymes by Mother Mouse
Ella: A Baby Elephant's Story by Kathleen Duey
Emily Waits for Her Family by Carol Zelaya
The Exchange by Inga C. Ellzey
Festival of Deaths by Jane Haddam
For the Love of St. Nick by Garasamo Maccagnone
Forgive My Trespassing by Cynthia Blomquist Gustavson
A Garden from a Hundred Packets of Seed by James Fenton
The Illusion by Tony Kushner and Pierre Corneille
Jimmy Buffet: The Man from Margaritaville Revealed by Steve Eng
The Little Lame Prince and His Travelling Cloak by Dinah Muloc Craik
Mojo Hand by Greg Kihn
The Monopoly Man by Barry B. Longyear
Nana Volume 2 by Ai Yazawa
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss
The Perfect Infestation by Carol Emshwiller
Rising Waters by Patricia Ferrara
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Sea by John Banville
Seafarer's Blood by Albert E. Cowdrey
Shadow on the Stones by Moyra Caldecott
Signatures of Grace edited by Thomas Grady and Paula Huston
Silence is Golden by Penny Warner
"Slowly, Slowly, Slowly" Said the Sloth by Eric Carle
The Tall Stones by Moyra Caldecott
The Temple of the Sun by Moyra Caldecott
Tsunami by Gordon Gumpertz
Written on the Knee by Dr. Theodore Electris and Helen Electrie Lindsay (translator)

Don Quixote:
Q and Sancho Panza Strike Back
Harold and Kumar
The La Mancha Story
Disarmed and Dangerous

The Classics

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5 stars: Completely enjoyable or compelling
4 stars: Good but flawed
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2 stars: OK
1 star: Did not finish

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Nana Volume 2: 01/07/09

Back in July I reviewed the first volume of the shojo manga, Nana by Ai Yazawa. I had been interested in it since Amazon had recommended it to me but I didn't start the series until Dewey also recommended it.The series is rapidly becoming one of favorite "guilty pleasures." I plan to review more in the series over the course of 2009.

Nana Volume 2 finds both Nanas on the train to Tokyo. They expect to go their separate ways but fate (or the demon lord if you ask Nana Komatsu) brings them back together in a most unexpected way. They both want the same apartment. It's in an ideal location and though still very expensive, very cheap for Tokyo prices. The only way to get the apartment they both want but can't afford is to share the lease.

Most of volume 2 centers around the apartment and the difficulties they have with it. The apartment is old and they are novices at renting, especially Nana K. There is the lack of power, lack of heat, and the need for cosigners. The other half is divided between Nana K's new job (at an awesome looking retro furniture and clothing store) and the growing friendship between the two Nanas.

Every apartment and now our home has been something we could only afford because it's been old and somewhat funky. I was laughing at the problems the Nanas were having with their new home, the shock of expense of living in the middle of a booming city and all the fiddly bits of setting up a home.


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