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Tiger on a Tree: 01/09/10
Tiger on a Tree by Anushka Ravishankar has won a number of awards but we didn't know any of that when we checked it out from the library. We got it because it has brightly colored illustrations and features a tiger. My Caligula the cat fanatic had to read it. The story follows the misadventures of a young tiger as he swims across a river and wanders into a rural Indian village. The villagers react with shock and with all their screaming manage to scare the tiger up a tree. Now they have to decide what do with him. Around here we don't have many tiger stories (except for the unfortunate tiger mauling at the San Francisco Zoo). Instead, we have bears, coyotes and mountain lions. The bears and mountain lions do end up in trees in backyards, city parks and other urban areas from time to time. Each and every animal up a tree situation has its own challenges. Like the villagers in Tiger on a Tree we have to decide what is best for both the people and the animal. Best case scenario is the animal gets tranquilized and moved to a safer location. Harriet and I enjoyed the book for the silly rhymes and cute illustrations. Sean said he liked the book because the villagers did the right thing. Comments (0) |