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Jeremy Draws a Monster: 04/15/10
For as long as Sean has been drawing, he has been drawing monsters. Sure, he draws other subjects too, but monsters are his favorite creative pass-time. So when I saw Jeremy Draws a Monster by Peter McCarty among the Cybils nominees, I had to check out a copy for my son to read. As the title says, Jeremy draws a monster. In fact Jeremy spends most of his time alone in his room drawing like Chloe does in "Fear Her" (Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor, Season 2, episode 11). And like Chloe, his drawings start to come alive. It starts with the monster and progresses as the monster makes demands of Jeremy. Besides reminding me of Chloe, Jeremy reminds me of Treehorn who has magical adventures right under the nose of his unobservant parents. Fortunately there's a happy ending for Jeremey. Comments (4) Comment #1: Monday, April, 26, 2010 at 22:32:25 I am terribly sorry it's taken me so long to comment...needless to say I've been insane recently! Anywho...I absolutely adore the entire idea of this book. The illustrations are so beautiful and I actually really love the story line. My only problem is that I think my son may not be into monsters quite yet, as he didn't like it quite as much as I did. Hopefully in a few years! :o) Fantastic review! Comment #2: Friday, April 30, 2010 at 22:04:23 Pussreboots I understand completely. I am behind in approving and replying to comments. My son loved the book because it combines two things he passionate about: drawing and monsters. Comment #4: Friday, April 30, 2010 at 22:24:12 Pussreboots If Addie likes art and monsters, then it's perfect. |