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Keys to the City: 04/22/10
Apparently Keys to the City: Tales of a New York City Locksmith by Joel Kostman was featured on This American Life. It must have been before I started listening regularly. I picked the book up at random from walking the shelves at my local library because I liked the title and the book wasn't very long. I had the book out just before the craziness of the Cybils judging. So the book sat on my library shelf until I'd run out of renewals and had to return the book. So I sat in my car and read the book while I was waiting for the library to open. It made the time pass very quickly. Keys to the City is a collection of short fictionalized anecdotes based on Kostman's career as a locksmith. He has stories about trying and failing to open up a fancy sports car (the owner ends up smashing a window), waiting for payment in a room full of grumpy relatives, and installing extra fancy locks to ward off a lovers spat that might not even exist. None of the stories is extraordinary but together they paint a picture of life in New York. It's full of little pieces of time and reminds me a bit of the quiet moments in So B. It by Sarah Weeks.Comments (0) |