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Bhangra Babes: 10/28/10

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In keeping with my inability to start most series at the beginning, I read the third book, Bhangra Babes by Narinder Dhami first. Auntie is still living at home to provide a female touch since their mother died. The problem is, they'd really like to get Auntie out of the house.

Fortunately though, Auntie has gotten engaged. In six weeks the wedding will be over and life will be back to normal. In the meantime though, they have to survive through Auntie's crazy wedding planning while they'd rather concentrate on the new cute boy a their school.

As it's set in England and is narrated by a teenage girl (Amber) it gives a cursory first impression of being another Georgia Nicholson, except with an Indian family. While it's true that Amber shares certain passions with Georgia (boys and making strange plans) she's not as broadly a comedic character. Part of Amber's grounding as a more believable character is her strong family connection and her two sisters who are closer in age than Georgia and Libby are. Also Amber and her family are part of a larger community so that Amber's story isn't just about her antics as school.

Coming into a series in the final book did leave me a little confused at times. I took me a while to keep Amber and her other two sisters apart and to follow along with Auntie's gossip. I've since read the second book, Bollywood Babes and I plan to go read the first book, Bindi Babes. After that I might come back and give Bhangra Babes a quick re-read.

That said, I did ultimately enjoy the book. I recommend you start at the beginning if you can.

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