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Month in review

At Home with Books by Estelle Ellis and Caroline Seebohm
The Batman Handbook by Scott Beatty
Class Trip by Rand B. Lee
Cook-a-doodle-doo by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel
The Diary of Pelly D by L.J. Adlington
Echoes from the Macabre by Daphne du Maurier
Epidapheles and the Insufficiently Affectionate Ocelot by Ramsey Shehadeh
The God of the Hive by Laurie R. King
The Gypsy's Boy by Lokiko Hall
The Improbable Cat by Allan Ahlberg
Influences: A Lexicon of Contemporary Graphic Design Practice by Anna Gerber
The Laughter of Dead Kings by Elizabeth Peters
Mirrorscape by Mike Wilks
My Big Dog by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel
Nanosferatu by Dean Whitlock
Oops-a-Daisy by Claire Freedman
Pink Brain, Blue Brain by Lise Eliot
Pinkalicious and the Pink Drink by Victoria Kann
Pokémon Adventures Volume 08 by Hidenori Kusaka
Saving Max by Antionette van Heugten
Seven Sins for Seven Dwarves by Hilary Goldstein
Sharing Geographic Information edited by Gerard Rushton and Harlan Joseph Onsrud
Stardust (Audio) by Neil Gaiman
Ten Apples Up on Top by Dr. Seuss
Theodosia and the Eyes of Horus by R.L. LaFevers
The Tilting House by Tom Llewellyn
Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett
Yo, Jo! by Rachel Isadora

Previous Month

Rating System

5 stars: Completely enjoyable or compelling
4 stars: Good but flawed
3 stars: Average
2 stars: OK
1 star: Did not finish

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Comments for February 2011 in Review

February in Review: 02/28/11

I read about half of what I did in January. I'm back in school and taking four classes. Much of what I'm reading is now for school, even the picture books. I am still though working through my wishlist. I finished six books from my wishlist. Unfortunately, I added about ten times as many titles to my list!

I read twice as many library books as from my own collection. You'll see quite a few astronomy books among the picture books. They are part of a school project. March will have a few more.

I mostly reviewed science fiction and picture books. The average rating was 3.9, with half of the books rating a 5. I wrote reviews for three abandoned books and had one more that I read this month and will review later. My ROOB score was -2.7, the best score I've had in six months.

Books reviewed this month

    Rating out of 5 stars (as posted on GoodReads)

    Five Stars:

  1. The Batman Handbook by Scott Beatty
  2. Cook-a-doodle-doo by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel
  3. The Diary of Pelly D by L.J. Adlington
  4. Echoes from the Macabre by Daphne du Maurier
  5. Epidapheles and the Insufficiently Affectionate Ocelot by Ramsey Shehadeh
  6. The God of the Hive by Laurie R. King
  7. The Gypsy's Boy by Lokiko Hall
  8. The Improbable Cat by Allan Ahlberg
  9. The Laughter of Dead Kings by Elizabeth Peters
  10. My Big Dog by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel
  11. Pink Brain, Blue Brain by Lise Eliot
  12. Stardust (Audio) by Neil Gaiman
  13. Ten Apples Up on Top by Dr. Seuss
  14. Theodosia and the Eyes of Horus by R.L. LaFevers

    Four Stars:

  1. Oops-a-Daisy by Claire Freedman
  2. Pinkalicious and the Pink Drink by Victoria Kann
  3. Seven Sins for Seven Dwarves by Hilary Goldstein
  4. The Tilting House by Tom Llewellyn
  5. Yo, Jo! by Rachel Isadora

    Three Stars:

  1. At Home with Books by Estelle Ellis and Caroline Seebohm
  2. Pokémon Adventures Volume 08 by Hidenori Kusaka
  3. Sharing Geographic Information edited by Gerard Rushton and Harlan Joseph Onsrud

    Two Stars:

  1. Influences: A Lexicon of Contemporary Graphic Design Practice by Anna Gerber
  2. Mirrorscape by Mike Wilks
  3. Nanosferatu by Dean Whitlock

    One Stars:

  1. Class Trip by Rand B. Lee
  2. Saving Max by Antionette van Heugten
  3. Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett
Genre Source

Books and stories read this month (reviews coming)

    Personal Collection

  1. Alone on a Wide Wide Sea by Michael Morpurgo
  2. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
  3. "Introduction to Joyous Cooking 200th Anniversary Edition" by Heather Lindsey (July / Aug 2010)
  4. "The Lost Elephants of Kenyisha" by Ken Altabef (July / Aug 2010)
  5. "Pining to Be Human" by Richard Bowes (July / Aug 2010)
  6. "The Precedent" by Sean McMullan (July / Aug 2010)
  7. "Mr. Sweetpants" and the Living Dead by Albert E. Cowdrey (July / Aug 2010)
  8. The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley
  9. "The Tale of the Nameless Chameleon" by Brenda Care (July / Aug 2010)
  10. West Coast Journeys: 1865-1879 The Travelogue of a Remarkable Woman by Caroline C. Leighton

    Library book

  1. Ambient Findability by Peter Morville
  2. The Beekeeper's Apprentice by Laurie R. King
  3. Busy Woman Seeks Wife by Annie Sanders
  4. Hard Hat Area by Susan L. Roth
  5. Bedtime for Mommy by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
  6. The Falling Raindrop by Neil Johnson
  7. Fullmetal Alchemist Volume 4 by Hiromu Arakawa
  8. Going Around The Sun: Some Planetary Fun by Marianne Berkes
  9. How You Got So Smart by David Milgrim
  10. June 29, 1999 by David Wiesner
  11. Looking Like Me by Walter Dean Myers
  12. Jupiter (Scholastic News Nonfiction Readers: Space Science) by Christine Taylor-Butler
  13. MoonBall by Jane Yolen
  14. No Castles Here by ACE Bauer
  15. Once I Was a Cardboard Box — But Now I'm a Book About Polar Bears! by Anton Poitier
  16. Once Upon a Starry Night: A Book of Constellations by Jacqueline Mitton
  17. Oz: The Hundredth Anniversary Celebration by Peter Glassman
  18. The Planets by Gail Gibbons
  19. Planets Around the Sun by Seymour Simon
  20. Red-eyed Tree Frog by Joy Cowley
  21. The Secret Lives of Princesses by Philippe Lechermeier
  22. The Secret Shortcut by Mark Teague
  23. See You Soon Moon by Donna Conrad
  24. Shape Me a Rhyme by Jane Yolen and Jason Stemple
  25. Sylvester and the Magic Pebble by William Steig
  26. Twin Spica Volume 3 by Kou Yaginuma
  27. Waking the Moon by Elizabeth Hand
  28. William Golding: The Man Who Wrote Lord of the Flies by John Carey
  29. Work and Play by Sydnie Meltzer Kleinhenz

    Review copy

  1. Poor Rich by Jean Blasair


Comments (6)


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Comment #1: Sunday, February, 27, 2011 at 11:42:49

Julie @ Knitting and Sundries http://www.jewelknits.blogspot.com

Wow! You've been busy, busy, busy! You just read The Hunger Games, I see .. did it snatch you in the way it did me? I love the variety in your books, too!

Comment #2: Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 20:37:14


I can see why The Hunger Games has proven to be so popular but I have some problems with it. I will get a review written soon.

Comment #3: Tuesday, March, 1, 2011 at 06:54:00


I'm surprised the Terry Pratchett book was no good, and now I'm not so looking forward to Saving Max. And I just got that one too!

Comment #4: Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 20:39:05


Both books have many positive reviews and I included links to them in my reviews. If you have the books on hand, please read them. You might like them!

Comment #5: Tuesday, March, 1, 2011 at 11:45:54


Holy Cow! Your reading list blows me away!!! To think you are in school and accomplishing all this too! My hat goes off to you girl!!

Swing by to read my It's Monday post on my blog My Bookshelf.

Comment #6: Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 20:39:05


Slightly more than half of what I read was either directly for school (including many of the picture books) or were short stories. I don't know the total number of pages but I suspect that it's lower than book bloggers who are only reading longer books.

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