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An African Tale by Enna Neru
Aging with Grace by Greg Liberman
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An African Tale: 03/22/11

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An African Tale by Enna Neru is set in Botswana and covers many centuries from the time of a rural village through to modern day. It tells the story Botswana's water supply through myth and allegory.

The main character is Ledimo, once human, now coming to the end of his life as a demigod of rain. As his powers fade he has to do what he can to bring two of his descendants together, one living in a rural village and the other in a modern city.

The book is written in a style reminiscent of Aesop and other folktales. There's not much in the way of dialogue or action and there aren't any illustrations. But it's still an interesting and relatively quick read. It would probably be best read aloud.

I received the book for review. Three stars.

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