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Love that Dog: 04/21/11

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In my usual back-to-front approach to reading, I read the sequel, Hate that Cat by Sharon Creech first. Having loved that novel told in a series of poems, I decided to read the first book, Love that Dog.

The book begins with Jack first starting to learn poetry. He doesn't want to for two reasons. His father thinks poetry is stupid and he's grieving for his dog.

Jack writes poetry reluctantly at first until he reads "Love that Boy" by Walter Dean Myers. The poem inspires him to write the titular poem and further encourages him to keep on writing.

Like the second book, many of the poems are direct homages. The book includes a lengthy bibliography for students or teachers who may be interested in reading the originals or learning more about the different styles Jack writes in.

Four stars.

Comments (2)

Lab puppy
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Comment #1: Tuesday, April, 26, 2011 at 23:14:14


Looks and sounds like fun reading. :-)

Comment #2: Saturday, April 30, 2011 at 17:58:31


Love That Dog and it's sequel, Hate That Cat are beautiful, bittersweet stories that also introduce children to specific poets and types of poetry. Each book has an extensive bibliography too.

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