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Chasing Demons: 10/31/11

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Chasing Demons by R.L. Geerdes right around the time when I first became unemployed in the summer of 2009. Although I read the book that year the review got lost in the shuffle of finding work, working a whole bunch of odd jobs and going back to school.

Chasing Demons is the second in the Mistress of Beasts series. I haven't read the first book. The book opens with Katrina waking in a hospital room. She's been in a coma ever since her car accident. She's told that all of her experiences in Acorna were dreamed up while she was unconscious.

Now usually I'm all for getting the plot rolling but this book had the plot on fast-forward to the point of pulling me right out of an initially interesting set up. Katrina should need physical therapy and some time to get her strength back after waking up. No; she's sent immediately home!

I just couldn't get around that plot point. I tried three times to finish the book but couldn't connect with Katrina or the plot in either Acrona or on Earth. If Earth is supposed to be an illusion to trick Katrina, that point needs to be made more obvious and concrete.

One star

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