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Legend of the Ghost Dog: 11/19/12

cover art

Set in Nome, Alaska both in the present and in the 1920s, Legend of the Ghost Dog by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel is inspired by the serum run to stop a diphtheria outbreak. The two real life heros were Balto and Gunner Kaasen. Here, though, the ghost dog isn't Balto (who is stuffed and on display in Chicago), but a littermate.

Most of the story is set in the present day, with Anita (Tee), her younger brother, Jack, their father and dog, Henry. While Tee is making friends with the only nearby kid, Quin, something in the forest is spooking Henry. Quin through his knowledge of local legends and history helps Tee solve a decades old mystery and save her life.

Too much effort, though, is spent on the flashbacks, leaving holes in character development for Tee and her family. We're mostly told what they are like without the benefit of seeing them in action.

Read via NetGalley

Three stars

Balto and Kaasen
Balto and Kaasen

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