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Revenge of the Mooncake Vixen: 08/28/13

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Revenge of the Mooncake Vixen by Marilyn Chin is a novel comprised of nearly four dozen interconnected pieces — essays, short stories, erotica, retellings of Buddhist tales. Somewhere in this rat's nest of stories is supposed to be the story of sisters living with their strict grandmother, being forced to deliver Chinese food ordered from the family restaurant — and the revenge they take on their worst customers.

Maybe it was the era (the 1980s) or maybe it was the location (Southern California), but the raunchiness (excuse me, erotica) was a hinderance to the plot, instead of something poetic or thought provoking.

I ended up skimming the book, skipping to the next chapter when things got too disgusting or too unbelievable. Except for the story of the grandmother terrorizing the neighborhood, the rest of the book has slipped my mind.

Your reading experience though may vary.

Two stars

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