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Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol
The Care and Feeding of Books Old and New by Margot Rosenberg
The Case of the Vanishing Honeybees by Sandra Marble
The Dancing Floor by Barbara Michaels
The Dead in their Vaulted Arches by Alan Bradley
Don't Push the Button! by Bill Cotter
Everlasting by Angie Frazier
Floors by Patrick Carman
Ghouls Just Haunt to Have Fun by Victoria Laurie
The Haunted Mask by R.L. Stine
I Could Pee on This by Francesco Marciuliano
Innocence by Jane Mendelsohn
The Lost Children by Carolyn Cohagan
Making Money by Terry Pratchett
The Mummy's Mother by Tony Johnston
My Favorite Band Does Not Exist by Robert T. Jeschonek
Nine Lives Last Forever by Rebecca M. Hale
Poetics Of Cinema by David Bordwell
The Pricker Boy by Reade Scott Whinnem
Reunification: A Monterey Mary Returns to Berlin by T.H.E. Hill
Shattered Silk by Barbara Michaels
The Solar System Through Infographics by Nadia Higgins
Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk by David Sedaris
Thud by Terry Pratchett
Timeless by Gail Carriger
Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt
Turn Left at the Cow by Lisa Bullard
Voltron Force Volume 2: Tournament of Lions by Brian Smith
Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray
Wacky Wednesday by Theo LeSieg

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Comments for The Solar System Through Infographics

The Solar System Through Infographics: 04/01/14

cover art

The Solar System Through Infographics by Nadia Higgs is a visual introduction to the solar system.

The book uses appealing drawn infographics to explain the basics of space: distances, the speed of light, the effects of black holes, etc. Everything is clearly labeled and presented in a way that would be useful alongside a classroom lesson.

The book also includes a handy glossary. It is basically what it says it is and it does it very well.

Five stars

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