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Emily and the Strangers Volume 2: Breaking the Record: 12/02/15

Emily and the Strangers Volume 2: Breaking the Record by Rob Reger

Emily and the Strangers Volume 2: Breaking the Record picks up after Emily and her band have won the battle of the bands. Now it's time to sign their recording contract but Emily doesn't trust it.

Emily and the others are just happy to do their own music and enjoy the guitar they've won in the process. The record company though has started to make threats if they don't sign. They're also given a grand tour of the studio and shown all sorts of wondrous things.

But with all things artificial, it helps to look in the corners and away from where you're being directed to see the truth behind the artifice. Something is definitely afoot and there's some shady business that needs attending to.

Emma Peel  investigates in The Inner Tiger

Meanwhile, in a plot that seems like a mashup of "The Inner Tiger" from the 1967 series of The Avengers and the game Bread Kittens, the city is being overrun with deranged stray cats. Emily, who has a thing for cats, begins to piece together the truth behind the cats.

A scientist gets coffee

Emily and friends also find help from a scientist. She knows what's going on. It's nice to see a female scientist positively portrayed.

Five stars

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