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Cupcake Cousins: 04/06/16

Cupcake Cousins by Kate Hannigan

Cupcake Cousins by Kate Hannigan has a diverse, blended family where their diversity isn't called out and isn't the point of the book. Instead, it's about a pair of upper elementary aged cousins who love to cook and desperately want to help cater their aunt's wedding.

The aunt, though, has a caterer who lives next door to the summer home where the wedding will be held. There just isn't a need for the girls' help and when they do try to help they end up making some boneheaded mistakes because the ingredients aren't properly labeled in the kitchen.

For the most part I enjoyed the book and I am on the library's hold list for the second book, Summer Showers. I do, however, have a problem with the cliché of confusing sugar with salt. Assuming these girls have as many recipes memorized as they are described as having done, they should know by sight the textural difference between salt and sugar. Even if they can't tell that way, the two smell different. Finally, of course, they taste different.

That quibble aside, though, I do love their blended family and their recipes sound good. I'm eager to follow along on further adventures inside and outside of the kitchen.

Four stars

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