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Catch You Later, Traitor by Avi
The Dastardly Deed by Holly Grant
Dragon Overnight by Sarah Mlynowski, Lauren Myracle, and, Emily Jenkins
Fax Me a Bagel by Sharon Kahn
Fenway and Hattie Up to New Tricks by Victoria J. Coe
The Final Kingdom by Michael Northrop
Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella
Ghosts of Greenglass House by Kate Milford
The Grave's a Fine and Private Place by Alan Bradley
Hamster Princess: Whiskerella by Ursula Vernon
Haunting Jordan by P.J. Alderman
Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann
The Maze in the Mind and the World: Labyrinths in Modern Literature by Donald Gutierrez
Miss Pickerell Harvests the Sea by Ellen MacGregor and Dora Pantell
Mr. Pants: It's Go Time! by Scott McCormick
My Little Pony: Micro-Series: #1: Twilight Sparkle by Thomas Zahler
The Nest by Kenneth Oppel
A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen
Noragami: Stray God Volume 4 by Adachitoka
The Other Boy by M.G. Hennessey
Ruby Lee and Me by Shannon Hitchcock
Rueful Death by Susan Wittig Albert
The Someday Birds by Sally J. Pla
Stanley Will Probably Be Fine by Sally J. Pla
Three Years with the Rat by Jay Hosking
Voltron Legendary Defender Volume 2: The Pilgrimage by Tim Hedrick
The Worst Class Trip Ever by Dave Barry

It's Monday, What Are You Reading (February 05)
It's Monday, What Are You Reading (February 12) It's Monday, What Are You Reading (February 19)
It's Monday, What Are You Reading (February 26)
January 2018 Sources
January 2018 Summary

Road Essays
Gender in Ozma of Oz
The Splendid Dystopia in the Marvelous Land of Oz
Unmappable structures: Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George

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It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (February 12): 02/12/18

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (February 12)
Hosted by Kathryn of Book Date.

If you look at the books I read you'll see I read a ton. Even by my standards, it was a crazy busy week for reading. Some of the books I read were short. Some of them I had been slowly reading since the start of the year and they happened to end this week. And some of them were due at the library and I didn't have any more renewals. Rather than watch TV, I read so I would have the time to finish them.

Now onto a funny story. You know that for the last couple of weeks I've claimed to be reading Murder Past Due by Miranda James. I have been listening to an audio book called Murder Past Due but there were some inconsistencies between the book's description and what I was listening to. First big clue: the listed narrator wasn't reading the book; instead there were two narrators. Second, there was no Maine coon cat. Third, the book was taking place in Texas instead of Athena, Mississippi. Can you see where I'm going? I was listening to a completely different book (which I've included in my read list. So — this week I've been listening to the Miranda James mystery of the same title.

Plum tree in bloom

One of the reasons we purchased our condo back in 2004 was the three story tall plum tree that grew between our building and our neighbors. We could go out to our balcony to enjoy the flowers in February or to pick fruit in June and July. Our house happens to also have a plum tree and now that February has rolled around it is in bloom. As I have done every February since 2004, I'm photographing the plum blossoms.

Daughter playing in the sprinklers

My daughter and I also did some gardening. We had some ice plant that didn't really fit where it was under the plum tree. So we pulled it out. In its place we sowed some nasturtium and California poppy seeds. In the back garden we planted forget-me-not seeds, and a package of wildflower seeds. Of course we had to water where we had planted. Even though it's February and still technically winter, my daughter insisted on playing in the sprinkler.

What I read:

Internet Famous American Street Dragon Overnight Fenway and Hattie Up to New Tricks Avatar: The Last Airbender: North and South, Part 3 A Charm of Goldfinches and Other Wild Gatherings Murder Past Due West with the Night The Maze in the Mind and the World Mildred Pierce The Princess in Black and the Mysterious Playdate How to say goodbye in robot Canada and the Canadian Question

  • Internet Famous by Danika Stone; personal collection (ebook)
  • American Street by Ibi Zoboi; personal collection
  • Dragon Overnight by Sarah Mlynowski, Lauren Myracle, and, Emily Jenkins; personal collection
  • Fenway and Hattie Up to New Tricks by Victoria J. Coe; personal collection
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender: North and South, Part 3 by Gene Luen Yang
  • A Charm of Goldfinches and Other Wild Gatherings by Matt Sewell; library book
  • Murder Past Due by D.R. Meredith; personal collection (audio)
  • West with the Night by Beryl Markham; library book
  • The Maze in the Mind and the World: Labyrinths in Modern Literature by Donald Gutierrez
  • Mildred Pierce by James M. Cain; library book
  • The Princess in Black and the Mysterious Playdate by Shannon Hale snd LeUyen Pham (illustrator); library book
  • How to Say Goodbye in Robot by Natalie Standiford
  • Canada and the Canadian Question by Goldwin Smith

What I'm reading:

Murder Past Due March Book Two Ozma of Oz Let's Talk About Love

  • Murder Past Due by Miranda James; personal collection (audio)
  • March: Book Two by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and, Nate Powell (illustrator); personal collection
  • Ozma of Oz by L. Frank Baum; research
  • Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann; personal collection

Up Next:

The Kairos Mechanism Flaming Iguanas Crossing the Tracks Love Lies Bleeding

  • The Kairos Mechanism by Kate Milford; personal collection / research
  • Flaming Iguanas: An Illustrated All-Girl Road Novel Thing by Erika Lopez; personal collection / research
  • Crossing the Tracks by Barbara Stuber; library book / research
  • Love Lies Bleeding by Susan Wittig Albert ; library book


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Comments  (36)

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Comment #1: Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 23:40:22


That's a funny story! Glad that all got straightened out. :) And that it was a good reading week too.

Upside Down Magic looks cute.

Comment #2: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 15:13:00


That mix up happened because of the library. I was searching for the Miranda James version and it came up as a result — in paperback form. The other one came up right below it as an audiobook for download option. Since I love listening to mysteries while doing chores, I immediately downloaded it without even thinking to check that it was the book I wanted. Since the book comes without cover art, I just added the cover art to the book I wanted to read — thus continuing the deception until nearly the very end of the book!

Comment #3: Monday, February, 12, 2018 at 06:39:23

Beth F

I really liked West with the Night. Gardening? Our yard is buried under snow. LOL

Comment #4: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 15:16:00


If my area was covered in snow it would make the national news. We can sometimes get snow — but rarely enough for it to stick. Last winter it did snow for about five minutes in a couple spots.

Comment #5: Monday, February 12, 2018 at 11:03:30

Laurel-Rain Snow

That was a funny story! You must have felt a bit disoriented.

Enjoy those books...and thanks for sharing. I love that blossoming plum tree.

Here are My weekly updates

Comment #6: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 15:20:00


For the longest while I was just convinced that the metadata for the digital audiobook was messed up. Then when I realized my mistake I had a good five minute or so laugh.

I love the plum tree too. I was so excited to see that the new place had one.

Comment #7: Monday, February 12, 2018 at 12:26:14

Kathy Martin

I can see why two books with the same title could be confusing. I'm glad you have straightened things out now. I hope you enjoy/enjoyed both books. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

Comment #8: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 15:22:00


The confusion started because my library's catalog has one copy each of the books. The Miranda James book is in paperback. The other one is a digital audiobook. The results don't include cover art so it's not always obvious that they are different books.

Comment #9: Monday, February 12, 2018 at 15:15:32


Awesome list! So many fun reads on here. I have How to say goodbye in robot. I can't wait to read. Here's what we're reading.

Comment #10: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 15:26:00


I hope you enjoy the book.

Comment #11: Monday, February 12, 2018 at 16:01:58


I'm jealous of you being able to garden already. I can't get my hands into the dirt until late May on a good year or mid June in a bad year.

Comment #12: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 15:29:00


Here, by May or June it could already be too hot or dry to consider planting, especially if it's a drought year.

Comment #13: Monday, February, 12, 2018 at 16:23:34

JoAnn @ Lakeside Musing

Wow, you read a lot of books last week!!

Comment #14: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 15:31:00


Yes. I was frankly shocked when I tallied how many I'd finished.

Comment #15: Monday, February, 12 2018 at 16:40:01

Elizabeth @Silver's Reviews

Beautiful blossom!!

LOVE all the gorgeous covers.

ENJOY your week.

Comment #16: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 15:33:00


Thank you. Have a good week.

Comment #17: Monday, February 12, 2018 at 20:28:21

Aj @ Read All The Things!

Wow, you read a lot. I love the photos. We have pear trees and cherry trees that get flowers on them, but not at this time of year. Have a great week!

Comment #18: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 15:35:00


The stone fruit around here, especially the plums all start blooming around Valentine's day.

Comment #19: Monday, February 12, 2018 at 16:50:47


A Charm of Goldfinches caught my attention.

Comment #20: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 15:37:00


It's a cute book but very British centered. I'd like to see the book expanded into a series which attention to different regions.

Comment #21: Monday, February 12, 2018 at 22:01:33

Katie @ Read-at-Home Mom

I'd forgotten about How to Say Goodbye in Robot! As I recall, it made me cry, which is not something that happens to me a lot with books. I've also been meaning to catch up with the Upside Down Magic series. I really liked the first book.

Comment #22: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 15:40:00


How to Say Goodbye in Robot wasn't my cup of tea. The Upside Down Magic series is lovely and the latest one is by far my favorite.

Comment #23: Monday, February 12, 2018 at 23:24:19

Susie | Novel Visits

Wow! You are just a machine when it comes to getting through books. Very impressive!

I just love it when the trees start to bud. We're still a bit away from that, but I'm eager.

Comment #24: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 15:42:00


I'm not a machine. If I were, I'd have the patience for readathons. Last week was more a matter of timing with a bunch of books I've been reading over the month coming to a close at the same time.

Comment #25: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 06:06:43


I do like the sound of plum blossoms and the fruits in turn. I've never seen a plum tree.

Comment #26: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 15:44:00


What we have is a Japanese plum which looks a lot like a cherry tree except that the flowers are white instead of pink. The fruit it produces is about the size of a cherry but plum colored skin and a yellowish flesh on the inside.

Comment #27: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 10:50:12

Tara @ Running 'n' Reading

You DID get a lot of reading done! Way to go! Also, your daughter is adorable; what fun!!

Comment #28: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 15:59:00


It was a very productive week. Hopefully our seeds will grow.

Comment #29: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at 22:04:36


Glad you got to the correct book and I hope you liked the first one too. Very lovely photo of the plum blossom and your daughter playing in the garden. We are seeing our bulbs popping up. Lots of reading there. Keep up the Happy Reading!

Comment #30: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at 19:15:00


I did enjoy both books. I would like to read more in both series. Our bulbs are almost done blooming. It has been a warm month.

Comment #31: Thursday, February 15, 2018 at 02:59:32

Louisa Paarsmarkt

Thanks kinda funny that you were listening to an audio of the same title, different book! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

Comment #32: Sunday, February 18, 2018 at 20:41:00


That's because the audiobook by the different author came up in the same search result as the print version in the library catalog.

Comment #33: Thursday, February 15, 2018 at 17:22:51

Erin @ Quixotic Magpie

Oo you reminded my that I need to do a review for Charm of Goldfinches. Lol. Even though it is actually sitting right next to me..

What a fun photo - I am daydreaming about gardening these days, surrounded by all this snow. The plum blossoms are beautiful!

Comment #34: Sunday, February 18, 2018 at 20:43:00


Funny coincidence. We might get a dusting of snow here but it's our mountains that really need it.

Comment #35: Tuesday, February, 20, 2018 at 22:47:42

ML's Red House Reviews

You have a good eye for photography. That tree is beautiful. Hope you had a good week.

Comment #36: Sunday, February 18, 2018 at 21:23:00


Thank you. I did.

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