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May is looking a lot like mid March: 05/04/19
Here it is the first weekend of May but I'm still lagging behind in the early days of spring for my 2019 TBR. I now have two months of reading to catch up on. From March-April I've read and reviewed:
From February-April I've read but need to review:
From March-April I'm currently reading:
From March-April, I still have to read:
And this list doesn't include the May books that will start rolling in on Tuesday. Comments (10) Comment #1: Sunday, May 05, 2019 at 06:09:56 First, did you have an issue commenting on my blog or finishing your comment before it logged you out? I noticed your comment might have been cut short. If you did, let me know. If you didn't, ignore all of this. :) Second, when you say you're behind in your reading, are these all review copies that you are obliged to read? As always, I'm just trying to understand, no criticism. It's just interesting how people, especially book bloggers, look at reading, that's part of it. As for Avengers (comment over on my blog), there only is so much time in the day. My routines are changing. If when the series began, I had the routine I had now, I might not have committed (wasted? yes, probably) so much time to them. Comment #2: Sunday, May 05, 2019 at 14:06:00 Pussreboots I wasn't logged out. I just forgot to put a period at the end of my comment. I havem't taken any review books, ARCs, or egalleys since 2015. All the books I've listed are ones I've purchased. My goal is to make half my reading be from newly published material — so roughly a 150 books. I'm behind in the sense that it's now May and I've barely even touched my March and April books. My reading time was eaten up the last two months by work because I'm planning an art camp session and needed to read a bunch of books for inspiration. Comment #3: Sunday, May 05, 2019 at 06:54:01 Whoa! That is a lot of reading! But you are an amazingly fast reader. I am confident you will catch up and read all of these. Comment #4: Sunday, May 05, 2019 at 14:11:00 Pussreboots I will start 2020 with a stack of 2019 books still to read. It probably won't be the ones listed here but maybe ones from late summer/early fall. I still have some end of 2018 books I'm reading through. Comment #5: Sunday, May 05, 2019 at 18:44:46 You're doing great with your reading and so many good books coming up. Enjoy them! Comment #6: Monday, May 06, 2019 at 21:40:00 Pussreboots I could get through them faster if I didn't request so many library books. Comment #7: Sunday, May 05, 2019 at 20:58:51 That's a lot of books! If nothing else, it shows how organized you are. I should probably to try and plan more of what I read... lately it's been mostly according to my mood. Good luck :) Comment #8: Monday, May 06, 2019 at 21:42:00 Pussreboots It's a list, not necessarily a plan. I add things to a wishlist on Goodreads and then a month before they release, I order some off that list. I try to read a couple new books every week. If I'm going to get through that pile, it really should be more like three books a week. Comment #9: Monday, May 06, 2019 at 09:13:40 Your reading list is way more organized than mine. Comment #10: Monday, May 06, 2019 at 21:46:00 Pussreboots It's just a list compiled off the ones I've marked as purchased but haven't read. |