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Month in review

All-American Muslim Girl by Nadine Jolie Courtney
All That I Can Fix by Crystal Chan
Attack of the Ninja Frogs by Ursula Vernon
Before She Was Found by Heather Gudenkauf
Big Hero 6, Volume 1 by Haruki Ueno
A Brew to a Kill by Cleo Coyle
Cat Got Your Crown by Julie Chase
A Deadly Grind by Victoria Hamilton
Descendant of the Crane by Joan He
The End of Oz by Danielle Paige
Everything Inside by Edwidge Danticat
The 5 Misfits by Beatrice Alemagna
The Ghost in Apartment 2R by Denis Markell
Girl Made of Stars by Ashley Herring Blake
Girl on Film by Cecil Castellucci
Hilda and the Mountain King by Luke Pearson
Hotel Dare by Terry Blas and Claudia Aguirre
Look Both Ways: A Tale Told in Ten Blocks by Jason Reynolds
Mildred Pierce by James M. Cain
Naomis Too by Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich and Audrey Vernick
No Place Like Here by Christina June
The Oddling Prince by Nancy Springer
One Night in Georgia by Celeste O. Norfleet
Past Perfect Life by Elizabeth Eulberg
The Penderwicks at Last by Jeanne Birdsall
The Phone Booth in Mr. Hirota's Garden by Heather Smith and Rachel Wada
The Princess in Black and the Mysterious Playdate by Shannon Hale and LeUyen Pham The Professor and the Puzzle by Carolyn Keene
Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell and Faith Erin Hicks
Read and Buried by Eva Gates
White Rabbit by Caleb Roehrig

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It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (December 09)
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (December 16)
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (December 23)
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (December 30)
November 2019 Sources
November 2019 Summary

Road Essays
Favorite road narrative spectrum books of 2019
Road Narrative Update for November 2019

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Rating System

5 stars: Completely enjoyable or compelling
4 stars: Good but flawed
3 stars: Average
2 stars: OK
1 star: Did not finish

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December in Review: 12/31/19

Rating out of 5 stars

    Five Stars: (Completely loved the book)

  1. A Brew to a Kill by Cleo Coyle
  2. Cat Got Your Crown by Julie Chase
  3. Descendant of the Crane by Joan He
  4. The Ghost in Apartment 2R by Denis Markell
  5. Hilda and the Mountain King by Luke Pearson
  6. Look Both Ways: A Tale Told in Ten Blocks by Jason Reynolds
  7. One Night in Georgia by Celeste O. Norfleet
  8. Past Perfect Life by Elizabeth Eulberg
  9. The Penderwicks at Last by Jeanne Birdsall
  10. The Phone Booth in Mr. Hirota's Garden by Heather Smith and Rachel Wada
  11. The Professor and the Puzzle by Carolyn Keene
  12. Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell and Faith Erin Hicks
  13. Read and Buried by Eva Gates

    Four Stars: (Good but flawed)

  1. Attack of the Ninja Frogs by Ursula Vernon
  2. Big Hero 6, Volume 1 by Haruki Ueno
  3. A Deadly Grind by Victoria Hamilton
  4. Everything Inside by Edwidge Danticat
  5. Hotel Dare by Terry Blas and Claudia Aguirre
  6. No Place Like Here by Christina June
  7. The Princess in Black and the Mysterious Playdate by Shannon Hale and LeUyen Pham

    Three Stars: (Average)

  1. All-American Muslim Girl by Nadine Jolie Courtney
  2. Before She Was Found by Heather Gudenkauf
  3. Girl on Film by Cecil Castellucci
  4. Mildred Pierce by James M. Cain

    Two Stars: (OK)

  1. All That I Can Fix by Crystal Chan
  2. The End of Oz by Danielle Paige
  3. Girl Made of Stars by Ashley Herring Blake
  4. The 5 Misfits by Beatrice Alemagna
  5. Naomis Too by Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich and Audrey Vernick
  6. The Oddling Prince by Nancy Springer

    One Star: (Did not finish)

  1. White Rabbit by Caleb Roehrig

Books by Age

Books by Source

Books by Age Group
Books by Format

Books and stories read this month (reviews coming)

    Personal Collection
  1. All-American Muslim Girl by Nadine Jolie Courtney
  2. Arsenic and Old Books by Miranda James
  3. Blanca & Roja by Anna-Marie McLemore
  4. Bowled Over by Victoria Hamilton
  5. Clever Little Witch by Mượn Thị Văn
  6. Crush by Svetlana Chmakova
  7. Crust No One by Winnie Archer
  8. Descendant of the Crane by Joan He
  9. Girl on Film by Cecil Castellucci
  10. He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by Robin Mayhall
  11. The Haunting on Heliotrope Lane by Carolyn Keene
  12. Hilda and the Mountain King by Luke Pearson
  13. The Killings at Badger's Drift by Caroline Graham
  14. Look Both Ways: A Tale Told in Ten Blocks by Jason Reynolds and Alexander Nabaum
  15. Once Upon a Grind by Cleo Coyle
  16. The Phone Booth in Mr. Hirota's Garden by Heather Smith and Rachel Wada (Illustrations)
  17. Read and Buried by Eva Gates
  18. Sabrina the Teenage Witch by Kelly Thompson and Veronica Fish
  19. Verse and Vengeance by Amanda Flower
  1. Before She Was Found by Heather Gudenkauf
  2. Captive Hearts of Oz Volume 2 by Ryo Maruya
  3. Counting to Perfect by Suzanne LaFleur
  4. Delicious in Dungeon, Volume 4 by Ryoko Kui
  5. The Ghost in Apartment 2R by Denis Markell
  6. Last Call at the Nightshade Lounge by Paul Krueger
  7. Past Perfect Life by Elizabeth Eulberg
  8. Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell
    Library book
  1. The Princess in Black and the Science Fair Scare by Shannon Hale and LeUyen Pham
  2. Sandhill Cranes by Lynn M. Stone

Read vs Review by Date - Jan / September 2018
Read vs Review by Date for 2019

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