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Nightschool: The Weirn Books Collector's Edition, Volume 2: 05/29/21
Nightschool: The Weirn Books Collector's Edition, Volume 2 by Svetlana Chmakova is the conclusion of the series. It collects books three and four. Will Alex be able to solve the mystery of her missing sister? Will the hunters survive the attack on them? Will the evil that is erasing people from the universe be stopped? Collected now as a two volume omnibus, each volume is massive. Volume two comes in at 435 pages. Much of the book, especially early on, is spent on fighting and posturing. That means a lot of dramatically struck poses, open mouthed shouting, and pages and pages of black stripy lines. I am not a fan of extended fight scenes especially in manga rendered in black and white. With so much emphasis put on showing how extreme the fighting is with all those lines it's easy to lose track of who is who or even what a character's name is. That's especially true of a book that's now only two volume and the second one starts with the fight. At long last the battle with the hunters and then their recovery is over and the last one hundred or so pages can pivot back to Alex's problem. Her story is what got me reading in the first place. Without her sister, Alex finds herself without a home. Her landlord doesn't remember renting the place. Nor does she recognize Alex. Saving Sarah now becomes a necessity of survival on top of the filial connection. Four stars Comments (0) |