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The Seeds by Ann Nocenti and David Aja (Artist) Shopaholic to the Rescue by Sophie Kinsella
Swamp Thing: Twin Branches by Maggie Stiefvater and Morgan Beem (illustrator)
This Was Our Pact by Ryan Andrews
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Vanessa Yu's Magical Paris Tea Shop by Roselle Lim
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The White Cat's Revenge as Plotted from the Dragon King's Lap: Volume 1 by Kureha
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Shopaholic to the Rescue: 06/19/21

Shopaholic to the Rescue by Sophie Kinsella

Shopaholic to the Rescue by Sophie Kinsella is the eighth book in the Shopaholic series. It's also the continuation of Shopaholic to the Stars. Becky, Luke, her mother, Suze, Jane, and Alicia Bitch Long Legs, all pile into a rented RV to find Becky's father and Suze's husband.

Now while much of the novel takes place on the interstate, the novel isn't on the road narrative spectrum. The goal is too focused on finding the missing family members and getting them home to England. The steps to finding the men and solving their problem is instead contextualized against the odd places they visit and the equally memorable people they meet.

In the previous book I complained about how off character Becky and Suze were. Happily they come back to their usual selves over the course of the journey. Neither one gets to the extremes of the first couple books as there has been character growth. Most importantly, though, the reasons for their off behavior is explained and Alicia's machinations towards breaking them apart is revealed.

The ninth and of writing this review, final book, is Christmas Shopaholic (2019).

Five stars

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