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Faux Paw: 08/30/22

Faux Paw

Faux Paw by Sofie Kelly (2015) is the seventh book in the Magical Cats mystery series. A traveling art exhibit is coming to Mayville Heights. It'll be on display at the library if Kathleen can satisfy the woman curating the show. Of course just before the show is finally set to open, Kathleen finds the show runner dead in the library. To make matters worse, the most important piece from the show is missing!

I consume a lot of mysteries that involve stolen valuables so the big question of what happened to the missing piece of art was obvious to me. I knew where it had to be, although, I didn't for reasons beyond me, figure out who had put it there. Given how events played out, I should have figured that piece out too.

There's an interesting side plot involving a woman whose name is very similar to "The Woman" from the Sherlock Holmes series. A lot of interesting things have been done with her very brief character from the canon. This version of her bears some similarities with the Elementary version. But not all of them. Maybe in a future book more she'll get some more character development.

On the magical cat side of things, I do like that Marcus's cat appears to have similar abilities to Owen and Hercules. Her being magical implies there's something more to this town's magical cats. It might also give Kathleen the in she needs to talk to Marcus (or anyone else) about her cats' abilities.

The eighth book is Paws and Effect (2016).

Five stars

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